Reading is such an everyday part of life, most of us take it for granted. Think for a minute about what you read every day -- a restaurant menu or a label on a medicine bottle? Street signs and driving directions? A favorite bedtime book to your child? What about emails, text messages and your favorite websites?


Now Imagine Not Being Able to Read Any of Those Things...

Frank, a 29 year-old construction worker, couldn't read well enough to pass an on-the-job test. He was fired.


Maria, a young mother of three, doesn't have the reading skills to help her school-age child with homework or read a note from her child's teacher.


George, a 45 year-old truck driver, memorizes instructions that his wife reads to him each night for the following day's trip.


Frank, Maria and George are your neighbors in Camden County. Their backgrounds differ, but they have one thing in common: they cannot read. They are among the estimated 55,000 adults in the county whose literacy skills are not strong enough to read food and medicine labels, follow safety instructions, fill out job applications, or simply choose an appropriate greeting card.


Literacy skills affect every aspect of adult life. Today, adults need strong skills to fully participate in their family, work and community life. Help is available for those who want to improve their skills. Literacy Volunteers of Camden County (LVCC) offers free tutoring sessions for adults 18 years and older. LiteracyNow was founded in 1998 as a “Friends of Literacy Volunteers of Camden County” organization dedicated to fundraising in support of the Volunteers.


Learn more about literacy, Literacy Volunteers and LiteracyNow as you browse our website. Remember to visit the How You Can Help page!